Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Day 1 of 33 days Chemotherapy course (Induction Phase)

As we informed earlier, the diagnosis of Leukaemia cases tend to change. Doctors gave prognosis and treatment plan after the first image or biopsy, but then change the prognosis or treatment after gaining more information about our daughter cancer from further testing. After diagnosis, We informed that the leukemic staple and in fall under low risk and just a year of chemo should be sufficient but according to Dr Chan this only could be confirmed in further bone marrow biopsy result.

Because this type of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL )grows quickly, and Mahiyaa needs to start treatment and chemotherapy as soon as possible. It's best to do that at a centre that specializes in childhood cancers. Mahiyaa will go to the hospital and get chemotherapy drugs to kill the all the leukemic cells that doctors can find. The goal is to put the cancer in remission . This isn't a cure, but it will let Mahiyaa bone marrow start to make healthy blood cells again. Most children go into remission after a month of treatment. This is called induction phase.

A first chemotherapy was only for 30 minutes. It was given via IV .Mahiyaa was so sick that she made no effort to even leave her hospital bed. She is just five years and eight months old. She felt fatigued and tired. The drugs make her sleepy and drowsy. I made sure she feel better enough with small frequent meals as chemo can irritate the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and Dr make her feel hydrated with IV. The nurses came in and check vitals and make sure she isnt reacting with the medicines. 

The next day me and my husband brought her out with Dr permission. A evening walk would make her feel much better as chemotherapy would have wipe her out. There will be more chemotherapy during the induction phase. Overall 33 days and there will 8 chemotherapy cycle, 4 lumber puncture and 2 bone marrow biopsy. We will be informed about Mahiyaa risk diagnosis time to time when Dr received her initial bone marrow biopsy which going through mutation in lab.

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